Analisi avanzata

Advanced Analysis

The modern digital oscilloscope can perform many specific analysis tasks that allow the user to get to an answer quickly and easily.

Advanced Concepts like Math, FFT, and other advanced Advanced Analysis topics are covered in our advanced lab guide and curriculum.

Advanced Lab Guide.pdf

Using Standard Measurements

The Oscilloscope comes with many standard measurements to help you quickly get to the root cause of your design problems.

Using Math Operations

Math functions allow you to perform calculations on one or more signals allowing for rapid signal comparison and enabling advanced modeling of more complex waveforms.

Using FFT Analysis

FFT (Fast Fourier Transform) enables you to visualize and analyze time based data in the frequency domain.

Using Record Mode

A simplified method for capturing, searching and analyzing waveforms over time.

Using Pass/Fail Analysis

Using a easily defined mask the oscilloscope can perform pass fail tests to quickly identify out of bounds conditions on a system under test.

Using Digital Filtering

Digital Filtering allows users to separate harmonics from complex compound signals and attenuate the power in certain frequency bands

Using Serial Decode

Serial Decode allows the user to view serial bus traffic in a human readable format.

Using Cursors

Use Cursors to make measurements between specific points on a captured waveform.

Using Phase and Delay Measurements

Quickly determine the delay and phase between multiple channels using standard delay and phase measurements helps to identify system interactions and timing problems

Using High Waveform Capture rate to find an infrequent anomaly

High waveform capture rate limits the "dead time" between aqusitions and increases your probability of caturing infrequent events

Using Deep memory to speed debug of your design

See how long record length can allow for longer higher resolution captures speeding time it takes to find ellusive problems.