Oscilloscopio Rigol DHO1072 70 MHz, 2 GSa/s, 50 Mpts, 2CH

  • In Offerta
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    € 699,00
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Codice: DHO1072

Perché acquistare da noi?
  • Garanzia di 36 mesi su tutti gli strumenti
  • Oltre 40 anni di esperienza
  • 15.000+ clienti soddisfatti
  • Assistenza rapida grazie al laboratorio interno

L'oscilloscopio digitale della serie DHO1000 è progettato per soddisfare i requisiti di progettazione, debug, collaudo del mercato principale degli oscilloscopi .
Questa nuova serie impiega il nuovissimo chipset "Centaurus" sviluppato da Rigol . E' in grado di raggiungere una velocità di acquisizione della forma d'onda pari a 1500000 wfms/s tramite UltraAcquire mode , possiede una profondità di memoria di 100Mpts , una risoluzione verticale a 12-bit. Tutte queste caratteristiche sono combinate con una performance eccellente di caratteristica di rumore ed una ottima precisione verticale . Il massimo per soddisfare le piu' svariate esigenze d' impiego e la massima precisione consentendo di fare un' esperienza straordinaria nel campo T&M.

Specifiche tecniche modello :


Analog Bandwidth
(-3 dB)
70 MHz
Input Channels
Rise Time
(10% to 90%,
≤5 ns
Sampling Mode Real-time sampling
Max. Sample Rate
of Analog
2-channel model: 2 GSa/s (single channel[1]), 1 GSa/s (all channels[3])
4-channel model: 2 GSa/s (single channel[1]), 1 GSa/s (half channels[2]), 500
MSa/s (all channels[3])
Standard Memory
2-channel model: 50 Mpts (single channel[1]), 25 Mpts (all channels[3])
4-channel model: 50 Mpts (single channel[1]), 25 Mpts (half channels[2]), 12.5
Mpts (all channels[3])
Optional Memory
2-channel model: 100 Mpts (single channel[1]), 50 Mpts (all channels[3])
4-channel model: 100 Mpts (single channel[1]), 50 Mpts (half channels[2]), 25
Mpts (all channels[3])
Max. Waveform
Capture Rate
50,000 wfms/s (Vector Mode)
1,500,000 wfms/s (UltraAcquire Mode)
Vertical Resolution  12 bits
Hardware Real-
time Waveform
Recording and
Up to 500,000 frames
Peak Detect Capture glitches as narrow as 2 ns


[1]: If any one of the channels is enabled, it is called single channel mode.
[2]: For 4-channel models, if two of the channels are enabled, it is called half channels mode.
[3]: For 2-channel models, if two channels are enabled, it is called all channels mode. For 4-channel
models, if any three channels or all four channels are enabled, it is called all channels mode.

Specifiche tecniche serie:

• Brand-new chipset "Centaurus" developed by RIGOL 
• Ultra-low noise floor for cleaner signals, measuring small signals accurately
• 12-bit vertical resolution[1]
• 70/100/200 MHz analog bandwidth (selectable), 2/4 analog channels, and 1 EXT channel
• Up to 2 GSa/s real-time sample rate 
• Max. memory depth: 100 Mpts (optional)
• Vertical sensitivity range: 500 μV/div to 10 V/div
• Up to 1,500,000 wfms/s waveform capture rate with the UltraAcquire mode
• 10.1'' 1280*800 HD touch display
• User-friendly Flex Knobs, bringing smoother interaction
• Standard photoelectric encoder operating knobs, effectively prolonging its service life
• Standard USB Device & Host, LAN, and HDMI interfaces

Accessori Standard 

Description Single Probe order n°
4 Passive HighZ Probes (350 MHz) Standard for DHO1204
2 Passive HighZ Probes (350 MHz) Standard for DHO1202
4 Passive HighZ Probes (150 MHz), Standard for DHO1104/
2 Passive HighZ Probes (150 MHz), Standard for DHO1102/
Power cord (based on destination country) --
USB Cable --

